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SAN JAMAR Adjustable Mini Centerpull Roll Towel Dispenser - Arctic Blue

Item #: SAN T450TBL By ( SAN JAMAR )

SAN T450TBL | SAN JAMAR Adjustable Mini Centerpull Roll Towel Dispenser
The San Jamar Adjustable Mini Centerpull Roll Towel Dispenser: offer economical, touchless dispensing designed to reduce maintenance costs and provide a hygienic hand drying environment. Our Adjustable Mini Centerpull model includes an easy-to-adjust funnel to allow dispensing of different grades of 6? centerpull paper.

Features / Benefits:
- Esy-to-adjust funnel adjusts to accommodate all grades of 6" centerpull paper, single ply to industrial wipes
- Compact; dispenses 6" diameter rolls
- Impact-resistant plastic construction
- Capacity: 6? dia. roll (152 mm)
- Dimensions(H x W x D): 12-3/8 ? x 7?? x 7-3/8?
- Color: Arctic Blue

  •   Item Number: SAN T450TBL
  •   San Jamar Adjustable Mini Centerpull Roll Towel Dispenser,Arctic Blue
  •   No Touch Roll Towel
  •   Arctic Blue

Shipping Weight per Each : 2.40 lbs

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